Friday, March 11, 2011

Hockey Time

I went with all current members of our class (one is on hiatus- the half giant or what not, for the time being, some secret assignment) to the game of the final member of the class. We got food before hand which was delightful, and I made a vegetarian choice with my meal. I'd like to say it was on purpose, but I'm actually starting to get grossed out by the thought of meat. Weird.

I also got in another serving of broccoli, even if it is not going to help my progress to winning because I shared it with other class members. At least I know I am lapping Calamitus in my broccoli intake, and was impressed with his dexterity in tonight's game.


  1. Good to know you eat more broccoli than I do. Thank you as well for coming to the game.

  2. Hmmm...Do I sense some involvement beyond mere friendship here?
