Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Suprise

I was surprisingly able to fulfill the food challenge by cutting more than a few corners health-wise. For instance, 2 of my three milk servings were ice cream, and the third serving was cheese. Here's how it cooked out:
2 eggs, Fried Zuchinni, Banana, A bagel and cream cheese
Snack 1-
Carrots and Grapes
Snack 2-
Cashews and Bread with Peanut Butter
Lightly fried rice with zuch, bacon, and egg.

That makes 5 oz of protein, 6 servings of grain, 3 servings of dairy, 3 servings of vegetables, and 2 servings of fruit. None of my grains were whole grains, a lot of my servings were fatty and sugary, but at least I got the recommended amount of food. I don't know if it was related to this or how much sleep I got, but I didn't feel the slightest need for a nap this afternoon/evening.

If I try this again, the biggest benefit would be more spacing out, more preparation, and healthier choices.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on completing your main challenge this week! Is it an experiment worth repeating?
